View Full Version : Panic - Lost Sal

07-05-2006, 04:27 PM
Well people I have to tell you my heart went into my mouth today really it did when the rain eased off slightly I was going between the back and front garden via the side gate, planting up the tubs, the dogs as always were following me, when the rain started up again in we came after a few minutes I wondered where Sal was a few minutes later I realised she wasn't in the house I panicked and went outside the front up and down and couldn't see her anywhere I called and called even though the front gate wasn't open but I still couldn't see her anywhere.

I came back inside to put my coat and shoes on :roll: as it was pouring down and I wanted to go further up the road.

Tess wanted to go out into the back garden I opened the back door said "Hurry up" and then heard bumping from the shed, I opened the foor and there was Sal.
She must have gone into the shed and maybe settled down and had a snooze as she sometimes does when I'm gardening only this time in the rain I had shut and lflipped the lock with her inside.

Sal was estatic to be let out I assume she had heard me calling her by the noise she was making plus the throwing herself against the shed door to get out, or to get to me when calling her:grin: .

07-05-2006, 04:30 PM
Oh eek!
Everyone's nightmare.
Glad it ended happily - and quite amusingly, but probably not at the time!

07-05-2006, 04:36 PM
For 5 minutes I felt as if I was walking through quicksand :shock: :( and when the weather improved and out we went again where did she go back in the shed. It appears she falls asleep with her head on my other pair of gardening shoes.:roll: you have to love her.:-D

07-05-2006, 04:42 PM
OMG i would of been dying glad she didnt get out

07-05-2006, 04:44 PM
Ta, But the silly thing is if she had got out she wouldn't have gone far she is never more than a few feet from me....the attraction of the shed is my old gardening shoes.:D she would have been sitting by the gate.:-D

07-05-2006, 05:10 PM
a few years ago when Leo was a pup (about 9 months old) we went out for the day and left the dogs in the garden with my sister popping in to check on them. she phoned at about 5pm to say all was fine and she had left them in the garden with some water as they were all sunbathing :roll: we got home about 7pm and as we pulled up i thought i know them dogs. some how my gate had been broken and they had gotten out and all 3 of them sat on the out side of the gate till we got home.
the man across the road sore them and stayed on his frount till we got home and watched them (he has a bench in his front garden) he said they did all walk up and down the road but no more then about 3 houses each way and they never went on the road at all

07-05-2006, 05:32 PM
Gosh Kazz, that was a worry!!:shock: So pleased there was a happy ending.......:cool:

07-05-2006, 05:50 PM
Yikes Karen:shock:

I'm glad she's okay.. pheew that must have been so scary

07-05-2006, 05:55 PM
So glad all is ok x

07-05-2006, 06:29 PM
You must have been so worried...glad you found her safe and well

07-05-2006, 06:49 PM
So glad she was safe and sound.

07-05-2006, 06:57 PM
Sometimes I wonder if pets (and children!) aren't just a shortcut to high blood pressure :roll: So glad you found her safe and sound!

07-05-2006, 09:07 PM
Blimey Kazz,! when I read the title of this thread, all kinds of thought s were going through my head, so glad she was in the shed...Its a horrible feeling when you realise one is missing!!!Bet she doesn't go in there again!

07-05-2006, 09:17 PM
For 5 minutes I felt as if I was walking through quicksand :shock: :( and when the weather improved and out we went again where did she go back in the shed. It appears she falls asleep with her head on my other pair of gardening shoes.:roll: you have to love her.:-D

There you go Moli proves she's daftier than I am she went back in the shed she was unconcerned I think she thought it was a game of some sort I mean it was only 5 minutes. I aged 50 years:roll:

08-05-2006, 08:12 AM
My heart would have been in my throat :shock:

Bless her heart she must have been worrying to when she heard you calling her but couldn't get to you

08-05-2006, 05:34 PM
I think if I had been out the back calling rather than out the front and had kept calling her the shed would have been firewood. She once pulled the trainer over when we practised recall for the agility before they let me let her off lead - with her being a staff (they hadn't had a Staff before) they wanted to see our basic level of training plus recall with the distraction of other dogs they did not believ she would come to me and ignore any dog, cat, rabbit, anything once called.

But the trainer decided he'd hold her (he owns a Rottie) I said hold her tight she will have you over he smiled and held the lead I walked the length of the area about 30ft away I called her and he shouted at me call her with energy So I did I called opened my arms and called her she came fto me obviously he went a*se over tip, and she was loose and bombing down the pitch to me.:roll: She was only about 14 months now and no where near as strong as she became or is now at 3&1/2.:roll: clever people.

08-05-2006, 09:03 PM
Hand't read this when I PM'd earlier....what a nightmare....ONLY 5 minutes feels like hours!! Thank God she's safe!!

08-05-2006, 10:49 PM
She is fine and totally untraumatised unlike me I am a shaking wreck.:-D

08-05-2006, 10:57 PM
She is fine and totally untraumatised unlike me I am a shaking wreck.:-DThe joys of owning dogs!! Sure thats why I have high blood pressure!!:lol: