View Full Version : Most commonly shown cats

07-05-2006, 02:08 AM
Just wondering what cats get shown... I only have one show marked cat and that is Oakley. His first show is on the 11th of June and I am really nervous about it. I am sure he will do fine though and all i really want is to get a ribbon for his first outing.

07-05-2006, 11:05 AM
Rover (Abyssinian) will try his first show Saturday. I know his brother will be there and at least one more kitten and a few cats from the same breeder. I could let you know more precisely next Sunday what gets shown here in Scotland. :-)

08-05-2006, 09:11 PM
Good Luck Marina for the 11th of June


Good Luck Hreow for Saturday

Remember and let us know how it all goes :D

08-05-2006, 10:36 PM
I can only speak for the shows I've attended here in the Mid-Atlantic area when my friend was showing, and they were pretty much dominated by the Persian & Siamese classes. But enjoyed seeing so many of the other breeds that I'd heard of but never seen: Ocicats, Somalis, Norweigan Forest cats, Oriental Shorthairs, Bengals...on & on!!

14-05-2006, 10:45 AM
Dundee: We had Abyssinians (alphabetical order, of course... :grin:), a Balinese, Bengals, Birmans, British Shorthairs, Burmese, one Burmilla, one Devon Rex, Main Coons, Norwegian Forest Cats, Orientals, Persians, Ragdolls, Russian Blues, Siamese, one Siberian, Singapuras, one Somali (a very nice sorrel kitten) and I think there was a Tiffanie as well. May have missed one or two. Any use? They expected 300 cats and classes were two to ten:ish entrants in size.

14-05-2006, 09:51 PM
Dundee: We had Abyssinians (alphabetical order, of course... :grin:), a Balinese, Bengals, Birmans, British Shorthairs, Burmese, one Burmilla, one Devon Rex, Main Coons, Norwegian Forest Cats, Orientals, Persians, Ragdolls, Russian Blues, Siamese, one Siberian, Singapuras, one Somali (a very nice sorrel kitten) and I think there was a Tiffanie as well. May have missed one or two. Any use? They expected 300 cats and classes were two to ten:ish entrants in size.
Did you get to see any of the Puras? How many were entered? Since my breeder friend retired & moved South, I miss going to the shows.

15-05-2006, 08:56 AM
Three were entered, all adults. One female.

Come to the next Dundee show! Should give you enough time to plan. It's a good show as you get to watch the judges, rather than being kicked outside for two hours. And no nonsense about too far or old bones, so there! :grin: