View Full Version : bad yolk day

23-02-2006, 10:16 PM
I am having a bad yolk day!!
cant seem to come up with any good jokes.

Mind you hubbys quite a lauff, good to laff at not with lol

what do you get it you cross a rotweiler with lassie?

a dog that rips you to shreds and then goes for help!

how can u tell if there is an elephant in your fridge?

footprints in the cheese!

what do you get it you put a cat in a small cupboard?

shredded hands

23-02-2006, 10:20 PM
what do you get if you cross a chicken with an alarm?

an alarm cluck!

where are chicks born?

in chick-ago!

what kind of eggs does a confused chicken lay?

scrambled eggs