View Full Version : Flea treatment injections

22-02-2006, 08:36 PM
I just wondering if anybody has used this treatment on thier cats? If so is it better than frontline, and how much does it cost. Also how long does it last?


22-02-2006, 08:37 PM
Injections for flea control :shock:

Tell me more CJ, that's a new one on me.

22-02-2006, 08:40 PM
was talking to soemone online (who isnt on now) who said you can have cats injected for flea's. Trying to find out name of whatever it is etc.

do those electric flea comb things work too?

22-02-2006, 08:44 PM
I've not heard of it, but am interested to know more.
I know there is a new product combined to treat both worms & fleas but that is tablet form. (profender)

22-02-2006, 08:45 PM
unless they were winding me up?
cant find anything online

22-02-2006, 08:48 PM
found it.
see this link, scroll down to programme, can be given as injection once every 6 months.
going to ask my vet about it, as no mention of cost here


22-02-2006, 08:56 PM
I have vaguely heard of it but don't know enough to be able to express an opinion. I use Advantage, as I know that none of the cats react to it and it's a proven method.

Are you thinking of trying it? I'd be interested to hear your feedback, however I would just run it by your vet to see if they recommend it.

22-02-2006, 09:05 PM
well, it'd be my vet that gives it i assume.
it's a once 6 moths prevention, but doesnt get rid of nay fleas already got.
I bet it's exensive but i may think of it.
having looked in my diary all my cats were due doing this weekend anyway, so i'll take princess freya (lol) to vets tomorrow and get it for all of them

22-02-2006, 10:12 PM
Yes, I used to have my cat Melba injected for fleas, she developed stomach ulcers twice and the Vet and I put it down to the Frontline as she developed the ulcers shortly after I'd used Frontline on her. I can't remember how long it is supposed to last, I doubled up on it by keeping her bed ( well her blanket at the foot of my bed) sprayed with a flea repellant, also had her injected for worms, she was dreadful to get a pill into. I can't have had her done very often because the minute she saw the cat carrier she vanished into the woods and would stay away for several days - not an easy cat, and feeding herself on rabbit just made the flea and worm problem worse, but her prettiness and her expression made you forgive her for all the trouble. Logoes

22-02-2006, 10:29 PM
I have only used flea collars on my cats last summer, until you girls told me they were not safe as they didnt have safety catches. Was gonna ask when and what I should do about fleas. They dont go out much - ten mins at a time a few times a day at the moment, but will be out more in the summer. When should I start worrying about fleas???

22-02-2006, 11:05 PM
I heard about these a few years ago but I am sure I was told the cats couldn't have injections or something once they'd had the inection for fleas there was something that made me think twice then refuse but I can't think what - but this was a few years ago so it could have improved by now.

22-02-2006, 11:18 PM
I have heard about this injection that the vet can give for fleas but don't really know much about it..

Donna....you really ought to be thinking about a flea treatment for your kittys. I know the problem is worse in summer but the flea eggs can lay dormant in your home and with central heating can hatch out in winter. I flea mine all year round and the dogs too

22-02-2006, 11:35 PM
I have heard about it, and know someone who uses it. I asked my vet about it last year when I found out about it, but they do still have to have the monthly spot on, so when I worked out costs, it was a couple of pounds dearer than using the monthly spot on, so I decided against it. Mine are de-flead all year round to be on the safe side, I was going to try flea collars a couple of years back but was advised against it.

23-02-2006, 06:50 AM
I treatmine with frontline every month,all year round. as advised by my vets.
I didn't realise they still had to ahve spot on, seems no point at all having hte injections in that case.

23-02-2006, 07:07 AM
Hi i am new to here so hello all.
the injections i think it is a wormer and flea at my vet it work out abouts the same price as frountline as it last 6 mounths i do not us it as my two have two many visits to the vets as it is. i think the flea bit works by puting poison in the blood stream so when the fleas bit it kills then and so no fleas no eggs so no fleas
hope this helps
sorry very bad speller

23-02-2006, 07:58 AM
I have a different approach to things (personally) I would never give a dog or Cat chemicals to kill something that wasnt there, we pump them full of enough rubbish as it is. How can it be of benefit to them when it isnt killing anything? If the Cat has fleas then yes, but with all the auto immune diseases associated with over vaccination and administering chemicals to the skin and sysyem on a regular basis, I wont do it.

23-02-2006, 09:06 AM
are there any natural remedies that work to repell or kill fleas then?
I never know which if them is actually going to work and which is just a rip off.
I ahve the same philosphy for me and my kids, we have honeopathic or herbal remedies where possible, but with the cats there never seems anything like that available.

I would be very interested to know though

23-02-2006, 10:39 AM
It must be very difficult holding a flea for it's treatment injection :roll: ............or is that not what you meant? :oops:

I'm with the 'Borderdawn Tendency' on this one. The insecticide treatments are really quite fearsome chemicals and I use them as little as possible. I think they key is not to get fleas...............sorry if that's a truism, but if you can stop an infestation in the home you're almost there. Remember the old saying that for every flea you see there are 20 more somewhere in your home...either as adults or more likely as some other stage of development and hiding in your bed/carpet/animal bedding.

So,the Nuvan product which you spray round the home, or Acclaim, should clean up your home (spray and go out for the day, don't stay in and breathe it yourself) and then just watch the cats and treat them as and when.

There's also 'Program' which I think is a combined flea/worm treatment taken orally (sprinkled on food once a month?) which my old vet recommended (but I never used)

It's difficult to advise someone else, in different circumstances, (so I won't), just repeat that i don't like my animals to be in a constant state of attack by organophosphates (the stuff in sheep dip that's reputed to drive farmers to deep depression and suicide) and I wouldn't like it round young children.

Lavender oil is a flea repellant. Put a few drops on a cloth, let it dry, put it in the cat's bed. However, cats aren't too keen on strong smells..........

Problem, isn't it?

23-02-2006, 10:46 AM
are there any natural remedies that work to repell or kill fleas then?
I never know which if them is actually going to work and which is just a rip off.
I ahve the same philosphy for me and my kids, we have honeopathic or herbal remedies where possible, but with the cats there never seems anything like that available.

I would be very interested to know though

CJ - there are and I used to have a leaflet *rifles through old filofax and finds 8 year old leaflet* have a look at www.meditrina.net (http://www.meditrina.net) (is this link allowed)? It's a mail order facility specifically for animals.

23-02-2006, 12:55 PM
thanks yola.
I can say we never have seen any flea's on my cats before, as theyre usually done, but princess freya ( still laffing at the name) has them on her.
I got advantage this time, mainly because i DONT want to get infested, and if i left it until i found a product and it arrived i would have been. but i can look into this for the future now

23-02-2006, 07:38 PM
that web site i sawesome yola!!!
though it doenst have anything for fleas themselves, jsut fela allergy, but there is a lot of other stuff ont here that could help several things with my 4.
(seems weird saying i got 4 cats now)
do i jsut get this in health shops does anybody kow? or is there a special formula for felines?

23-02-2006, 08:27 PM
I have heard about this injection that the vet can give for fleas but don't really know much about it..

Donna....you really ought to be thinking about a flea treatment for your kittys. I know the problem is worse in summer but the flea eggs can lay dormant in your home and with central heating can hatch out in winter. I flea mine all year round and the dogs too

So what should I do??????????????????:shock: