View Full Version : a kitty in need-maybe

15-02-2006, 07:18 AM
just had an email from a friend of a friend, who i met a coupld of times.
Her mum has a siamese cat who just had kittens. the mum is disabled, cant looka fter the kittens. theyre looking to re-home the mother cat too. They MAY have one girl kitten who needs a home,a nd they would rahter find homes for her themselves, if they cant then all kittens and mum ( and thier daddy cat too) are all going into shelters.
They know I was looking for a kitten, so thought they would ask me first about the girl.

I dont know if it will all pan out or not. The kitten is only 3 1/2 weeks old, theyre hanging on to her as long as they can, but the mum is struggling to cope with the cats as her illness has got worse over the apst few months.

I'm a sucker for a sob story, so have said yes I can help out IF needs be, rather than put the cat in a shelter or soemthing. I am not getting my hopes up though, after alst time i thought i was getting a kitten. And i have a few weeks to prepare. So Am taking Mr darcy back to vets tomorrow, asking them to actually test him for chlamydia NOW rather than later, and will take it from there, discuss with them if it will be ok to get another kitty.

here is the kitty in question with mommy...


sorry it small, that the size i got.

15-02-2006, 11:36 AM
I know it's a really tempting offer but do you not think you have enugh to be getting on with at the moment.
Wait til Mr D is sorted and stable, the bunnys are ok and then think about a kitty.
I understand how tempting it is for you but the right kitty will come along at the right time.

15-02-2006, 12:46 PM
well, i took MR D with me today ( have u ever tired carrying two cats?) they did soemthing to his eyes, with drops and something, and took some bloods.
She said he does not have chalmydia from that test, bloods being checked for lots of things with lots of different letters ( by this time oatmeal was yeowling like crazy and Mr D was too at protest) so i was getting all flustered and confused ( not difficult I know)
anyway, i didnt worry too much about it cos i thought i'll do the worrying IF the blood tests come back fine. IF they are all ok vet said there no problem getting another cat.

Baby bunnies are doing well, and all the other bunnies are fit and well again now. HUbby in process of building some new runs and hutches to better fit the shape and size of our garden, with covers on the runs so if it rains they can still go out and stay dry, but i can remove the covers.

The home feels back to normal to me now. oatmeals accident was more than likely due to having a disagreement with another cat, according to the vet, she asid it the sort of injury they get from swiping at each other.

15-02-2006, 01:08 PM
Siamese are incredibly loud and demanding.
If you haven't had a lot to do with them I think you should try to do so before you make any decision. I'm sure people have managed to cope with Siam's and children but I don't fancy it.
On the rare occasions when I raised my voice to my teenagers, Mini used to sit on my lap, look me fiercely directly in the eye and put her paw on my mouth. :shock:
Whether empathising or telling me for goodness sake to shut up I never worked out!


15-02-2006, 01:21 PM
Lucky you CJ!! I feel like I am waiting forever to get my meezer baby :( Siamese are extremely demanding - do your homework before you say yes definitely and if you think you can cope and Mr D gets the all clear then Congratulations!! Let us know how it all goes :)

15-02-2006, 01:21 PM
thanks for that advice Dm, I;m still doing reserach online into them.... i never get any new pet without doing as much reading as possible into them, but it desnt make up for experience.

isnt amazing how much difference there actually is between one breed of cat and another, personality, diet etc.

they are looking for homes nearer to where they live, and for a possible solution on how to keep the cats etc, at this point it is jsut a maybe situation.

alot to think about though

15-02-2006, 01:28 PM
Not advice CJ - just info.
Mini amazed me! Still does to a great degree.
They are fabulous cats................but in many ways nearer to dogs in their character.
You'd never be bored!

15-02-2006, 02:00 PM
thanks Fran. I'll consider it carefully before i agree to this, and as she isnt even four weeks old yet it shouldnt be for at elast 2-3weeks, or longer if they can manage longer.

If i dont get this cat then I know one will come along at a later date.

15-02-2006, 05:57 PM
What DM and PK say is so true CJ, siamese are not like other cats, they certainly are demanding, and let you know if not happy.....I think they have dog in them somewhere!!!

15-02-2006, 06:32 PM
What DM and PK say is so true CJ, siamese are not like other cats, they certainly are demanding, and let you know if not happy.....I think they have dog in them somewhere!!!

lol, sounds like my kind of cat! :lol:

16-02-2006, 02:03 PM
CJ I wouldn't personally consider getting a siamese with an exotic. Siamese are very demanding and the complete opposite to the laid back nature of an exotic. It could very well stree Mr D out which could lead to other problems the worse possible being F.I.P. As you are already a multi-cat household it is very, very likely that all your cats will have a titre reading for the Coronavirus. If Mr D got stressed then the coronavirus could mutate into F.I.P which is usually fatal. Not trying to scare you but just a thought.

16-02-2006, 02:16 PM
oh well, i wont get one then.
Maybe a stuffed one would be a better choice

16-02-2006, 07:39 PM
oh well, i wont get one then.
Maybe a stuffed one would be a better choice

Much better idea. Pity you can't get stuffed kids.:-D :-D :-D Only Joking.

16-02-2006, 07:43 PM
stuffed kids wey hey!!!!!
wouldnt that be great, or at least ones with an off button

16-02-2006, 07:48 PM
stuffed kids wey hey!!!!!
wouldnt that be great, or at least ones with an off button

Kyle doesn't know what off is. Having ADHD he is none stop chatter from the moment he gets up till he is asleep. :shock: :shock: :shock: Even then he sometimes carries on.:? :? :?

16-02-2006, 07:59 PM
I have a siamese, oriential and 2 exotics living happily together........

16-02-2006, 08:08 PM
Thats great Moli. Just proves different breeds can get on. I just felt knowing the way my Persians are they would not be able to cope with the antics of a siamese and the issue of F.I.P is a big dread for breeders, stress being the major contributing factor in the coronavirus mutating into F.I.P.
Persians and exotics have a predisposition to it anyway and Mr D, CJ's exotic is coming up to the most susceptible age.