View Full Version : Real friends...

13-02-2006, 10:17 AM
like the truth to this....and I expect it back too!

A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.

A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names. A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party. A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean up.

A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.

A simple friend wonders about your romantic history. A real friend could blackmail you with it.

A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument. A real friend calls you after you had a fight.

A simple friend expects you to always be there for them. A real friend expects to always be there for you!

13-02-2006, 12:21 PM
A lot of truth in that Moli.......just about sums friendship up!:-P

13-02-2006, 12:43 PM
yup, a LOT of truth there. Which is why i dont have many people I would call real friends, I expect them to give what I do, if they take and never give I dont count them as firends at all

13-02-2006, 01:38 PM
I agree mags all moli says there is true

13-02-2006, 02:42 PM

13-02-2006, 05:01 PM
Very true!!!